Laurence Juber, who gained his first international recognition as lead guitarist in Paul McCartney's band Wings, has since established himself as a world-renowned guitar virtuoso, composer, and arranger.
LEWITT有机会在回响吧录音棚大型LEWITT麦克风比赛中采访了Laurence Juber,我们与他谈论了麦克风在他的生涯中所扮演的角色。
LJ,正如他的粉丝所知,已经发布超过20个独奏专辑,作为一名原声吉他独奏,展示了他独特的触觉和音调。他的LJ《Can't Stop Playing The Beatles》是LJ的第三个收集的披头士曲调的独奏原声编曲。它由Hope Juber制作并由 Al Schmitt 在好莱坞的国会大厦演播室混音。
作为一名工作室音乐家,他能听到唱片的艺术家,如Dan Hicks & the Hot Licks, Seal, 和 Barry Manilow,并且他也能精选数以百计的电视节目,象《家居装饰》。和包括荣获奥斯卡奖的电影《辣身舞》,以及 《心灵捕手》和《风中奇缘》。
[Laurence Juber]我在麦克风方面花了很多时间,我在许多大型的录音棚里通过许多不同类型的麦克风演奏。他们是我职业生涯的一个组成部分。使用原声吉他,有很多细节,你想捕捉 - 正如LEWITT的麦克风做的工作。有一些具有成本效益,给你一个更昂贵的麦克风的细微差别和维度是一个有吸引力的主张。
[Laurence Juber]就比较而言,我认为LCT 940 胜出了 - 特别是在100%管模式下,因为你得到了电子管的温暧度、清晰度、精准和动态的组合。虽然我实际上另一天用LCT 940FET模式录音,在大提琴上非常棒。
麦克风是你声音进入的窗口,因为你的第一声像将是直接出自于它。因此,麦克风的质量越高,实现乐器或声音的效果越好。我曾见到看起来很神奇的麦克风,但他们听起来并不是很好。另一方面,LEWITT麦克风有一个经典的外观,并给你一个非常好的窗口的声音 - 这是一个重要的因素:你想要的麦克风是真正能捕捉尽可能多的整体声像和乐器!
我也认为LCT 340 胜出相当不错。我们尝试了KM 84,这是Neumann一款经典的小振膜麦克风,但LCT 340针锋相对。我一直在寻找的是动态,清晰度和维度。你知道,我花了很多钱在吉他上,我已经做了很多,让它说话正确 - 在这种情况下,你想要一个麦克风捕获所有这些细微差别。所以我真的非常印象深刻。
Listen to Laurence Juber's performance on the LCT 340
The challenge with microphones is that, over the years, there’ve been these mics that are kind of iconic, but they’re extremely expensive. So how, if you’ve got just an entry- or medium-level budget, do you manage to record quality sound without breaking the bank? I think that the LEWITT mics give you a higher level of sonic quality while still being in that affordable category. And it’s a cool thing when quality is a given and the price is easy on the pocketbook.
I also have to mention that the DGT 650 USB stereo mic with the built-in interface and headphone capability is a really cool choice for a laptop studio. Because not only is it a mic that gives you great sound, you can also plug it in to an iPhone. How cool is that!
[LEWITT] Did you enjoy the microphone shootout?
[Laurence Juber] It was just like what I do at home when I’m testing stuff out. I set up one mic and then test a bunch of different guitars or one guitar and a bunch of different mics – so it’s kind of a cool way to operate, and you really get a sense of how the mics work when you just go A/B, C/D. And testing mics on headphones, where you really can’t hear anything of the guitar except what you’re getting through the mic, is a really good way to do it.
The microphone is the window onto your sound, because your first sonic look is gonna be at what comes directly out of it. So the higher the microphone’s quality is, the better it’ll realize the instrument or the voice. I’ve seen microphones that look amazing, but they don’t sound that great. The LEWITT microphones, on the other hand, have a classic look and also give you a really nice window on the sound - and that’s an important factor: you want the microphone to really capture as much as it can of the overall image and the instrument!
I also thought that the LCT 340 stood out pretty well. We tried a KM 84, as well, which is kind of the classic small-diaphragm Neumann mic, but the LCT 340 held its own against it. The things I’m always looking for are dynamics, clarity, and dimension. You know, I spend a lot of money on the guitar, and I’ve put a lot into getting it to speak right - and when that’s the case, you want a microphone that captures all those nuances. So I was really quite impressed.
The challenge with microphones is that, over the years, there’ve been these mics that are kind of iconic, but they’re extremely expensive. So how, if you’ve got just an entry- or medium-level budget, do you manage to record quality sound without breaking the bank? I think that the LEWITT mics give you a higher level of sonic quality while still being in that affordable category. And it’s a cool thing when quality is a given and the price is easy on the pocketbook.
I also have to mention that the DGT 650 USB stereo mic with the built-in interface and headphone capability is a really cool choice for a laptop studio. Because not only is it a mic that gives you great sound, you can also plug it in to an iPhone. How cool is that!
[LEWITT] Did you enjoy the microphone shootout?
[Laurence Juber] It was just like what I do at home when I’m testing stuff out. I set up one mic and then test a bunch of different guitars or one guitar and a bunch of different mics – so it’s kind of a cool way to operate, and you really get a sense of how the mics work when you just go A/B, C/D. And testing mics on headphones, where you really can’t hear anything of the guitar except what you’re getting through the mic, is a really good way to do it.