Ever since Walk Off The Earth experienced the modern and authentic sound of LEWITT microphones, the multi-talented band has used these mics for their recordings – as in their most recent single TAEKWONDO, for which they recorded their vocals using the LEWITT LCT 940.
Eric Gales
Yngwie Malmsteen
传奇吉他手Yngwie Malmsteen(英格威·玛姆斯汀)是新古典吉他大师,是“时代”杂志推举的十位最杰出的电吉他演奏家之一。他以惊人的手速、技术水平和震撼的现场表演而闻名。二十多张专辑以他署名,Yngwie早期以主唱/主唱吉他手的身份开启了他的音乐生涯,而现在的身份更多是录制和现场主唱。 Yngwie最新的…
Aaron Gillespie
Aaron Gillespie is a drummer, lead vocalist, solo artist, producer, and composer who’s best known for being the drummer and clean vocalist for the metalcore band UnderOath, as well as lead singer and rhythm guitarist in the alternative rock band The Almost, and touring drummer for Paramore.
Justin Stanley
贾斯汀·斯坦利(Justin Stanley)是位于洛杉矶地区的制作人、录音工程师、音乐家和作曲家。他合作的艺术家名单包括Eric Clapton,Prince,Sheryl Crow,Beck,The Vines,Jamie Lidell,Snoop Dogg,Daniel Merryweather,Jet…
FOH Gino Scarim
Gino Scarim是一名声音工程师和巡演经理,他于1999年开始在芝加哥录制乐队,目前仍拥有伊利诺斯州福克斯河格罗夫的红门录音室。他首先用自己的乐队(Slim Jim Conspiracy和AfterProject)涉足几个国家巡演。此后,他被附近的西邓迪(Clearwater Theatre)清水湾剧院…
Waldo Madera
沃尔多·马德拉(Waldo Madera)还在15岁的时候就作为一名专业鼓手与Dominican-Brazilian groups Maguey和Irka&Tadeu Con Trabanda开始了他的职业生涯。 1987年至1991年间,他在纽约市的曼哈顿音乐学院学习,不久之后…
Joe Wolfe
Joe Wolfe is a producer, writer, key tech, and programmer who works with artist like Madonna, Earth Wind & Fire, Justin Timberlake, Lionel Richie, Whitney Houston, Alicia Keys, Phil Collins, ...
Robert Randolph
许多音乐家声称他们“在教堂长大”,但对于罗伯特·兰多夫来说,差不多就是这样。着名的踏板吉他手,歌手和作曲家,曾有这样一个与世隔绝的童年和青春期,他没有听着世俗音乐而成长。这使得更重要的是,Robert Randolph 以及 Family Band的领导者 - 厂牌在Sony Masterworks-Got…
Bob Horn
Bob Horn是一个多铂金格莱美奖获奖混音工程师,他为录音行业最着名的艺术家,包括Usher,Timbaland,Michael Jackson,Akon,Macy Gray,Neyo,Lupe Fiasco,Brandy等等混合歌曲。
Elliott Randall
庆祝Elliott Randall在Steely Dan的“Reeling In Years”中的独奏,1969年他也是Seatrain的成员,并于1970年组建了自己的乐队 - Randall’s Island,他的独奏广受欢迎。然而,他的大部分职业生涯一直是作为首选伴奏音乐家,为Kiss的成员,Blues…
Michael Dumas
Michael Dumas is one of those rare engineers who are world-class both in the recording studio and FOH. By the time Michael was 25, he already owned an outfit called Mad Dog Studios – and one of his first clients was Robby Krieger
Fabrizio Grossi
Supersonic Blues Machine(超音速蓝调机器乐队)是鼓手传奇人物Kenny Aronoff、贝斯手/制作人Fabrizio Grossi和屡获殊荣的吉他手/主唱Lance Lopez之间的梦幻组合。 乐队诞生于2012年,当时Lance Lopez正计划访问洛杉矶录制新专辑,但制片人Fabrizio…
Supa Dups
We chat to Supa Dups, Grammy-winning producer extraordinaire, whose work with Rihanna, Drake, and EMINEM has put him at the top of his game.
Lance Lopez
超音速蓝调机器乐队是鼓手传奇人物Kenny Aronoff、贝斯手/制作人Fabrizio Grossi和屡获殊荣的吉他手/主唱Lance Lopez之间的魔术组合。